Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The One in Which She Takes Baby Steps


So here I am. I feel a bit shy and maybe like I'm cheating on a lover...all because is my home. But I feel like I need to break free, at least for this particular episode of my life.

This episode shall be titled "The One in Which She Takes Baby Steps". (Oh Friends, how much I miss thee!)

I joined Weight Watchers at my work 2 weeks ago. The first weigh in was perfect, -3.4 lbs. But of course, the first week is aaaalways amazing like that. It is, of course, just my luck that my lovely Aunt Flo came to visit me over the weekend! Isn't she the best? ... ... The second weigh in is tomorrow, so we'll see how it goes. I stepped onto my craptacular $3 1970's digital scale and it said 247, which would only mean -1 lb.

But like I said, it IS a craptacular scale.

I will keep this post short and sweet, since breaking in a blog is like breaking in a pair of beautiful, new shoes. You can't stay in them too long or the feetsies will scream bloody murder!

Until next time,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.